During the escape, His Holiness spent his last night at Mangmang, in Tibet.



“ I get emotional because in 1959, when I escaped from Tibet I came from this route. I was physically very weak. Mentally, there was a lot of anxiety, hopelessness and helplessness. It was difficult. The local people here and also officials extended a very very warm welcome. So I get emotional every time I visit Tawang”.
– His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to the Times of India.”


And so on March 31, 1959, His Holiness Dalai Lama fought his way through wind-whipped peaks and snow-covered plateaus to finally reach the homeland of the Buddha.

DAY 1 –     31st March 1959 : LOCATION – CHHUDANGMO

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, just 24 years old rode on the back of a Dzo ( a hybrid yak) and crossed into Indian territory on 31st March 1959.

At Khen-Dze-Mane His Holiness and a group of first eight people along with other group of eighty people was received officially by Shri T.S. Murti , the then Assistant Political Officer of Tawang, security personnels of the 5 Assam Rifles and the people of Jemeithang with white scarfs (Khada).

His Hoilness writes in one of his book, “ We must have been a sorry sight when we were welcomed by the Indian border guards. There were eighty of us, physically exhausted by the journey and morally overwhelmed by the ordeal”.

At Grong-Kukpa, just one and half kilometer after Khen-Dze-Mane His Holiness planted his walking stick that has grown into a big tree.

His Holiness and his entourage crossed Ngang-Chung-Kang and reached Chhudangmo and spent the first night at Chhudangmo in tents erected by the officials.

For the act of kindness and grand welcome by the 5 Assam Rifles, His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessed them with the words:-

“ May your luck increase to the size of mountain. May your anme and fame be such as to cover the whole universe. May your knowledge be as deep as the sea. May your life be long and healthy”.

DAY 2 –    1st April 1959 : LOCATION – GORZAM


On 1st of April 1959 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and his entourage started off early from Chhudangmo towards Gorzam, Jemeithang.

At Gorzam arrangements were made for His Holiness and his entourage for a night halt. Villagers from different parts of Pangchen-ding-gro and areas of Muchut, Khobleteng and Thikshi thronged at Gorzam to seek blessings from His Holiness.

The villagers believe that though the Gorzam Choeten ( Stupa) was constructed by Lama Prathar in the 13th century but it couldn’t be consecrated by any high lama and that it was only on 1st April 1959 that His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama consecrated it.

DAY 3 –   2nd April 1959 : LOCATION – SHARDI


His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama proceeded from Gorzam for Shardi village early morning of 2nd April 1959. On way towards Shardi village His Holiness had to cross the Nyamjang-chu river and a very steep hill rock. Many horses and ponies of the entourage had to stay back as they were tired and could not cross the steep hill.

The villagers of Shardi village received His Holiness at Mane-gom, located at a small distance from the village. His Holiness was accommodated at a government Inspection Bunglow. On receiving information of arrival of His Holiness, villagers gathered at the Inspection Bunglow and out of devotion and great respect made offerings of rice, flour, millet and whatever they had.

DAY 4 –   3rd April 1959 : LOCATION  –  LUNGLA-TSE


His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and his entourage reached Lungla-Tse on 3rd April 1959 from Shardi village. Here His Holiness was received by Shri Harminder Singh, Political Officer Bomdila. His Holiness stayed the night in the government accommodation of the then Base Superintendent, Lungla. Many

people from far places and also government officials took an audience of His Holiness to seek blessings.

For the first time in history, His Holiness empowered Mane-lung outside of Tibet for the people of Lungla after seeking asylum in India.

His Holiness advised the gathered people to have compassion and warm-heartedness amongst one another.

DAY 5 –   4th April 1959 : LOCATION –  THONGLEK


Early in the morning of 4th April 1959 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama along with Shri Harminder Singh, Political Officer Bomdila reached Thonglek village. Here at Thonglek village, His Holiness stayed one night in a bamboo hut which was a government Inspection Bunglow. Here also at Thonglek a Mane-lung was conferred to the villagers.

On 5th April 1959, early morning from Thonglek His Holiness the Dalai Lama proceeded for Tawang where the monks of Tawang monastery under the spiritual guidance of the Abbot of Tawang monastery Phomang Gelong Gyendun Rabgyal, popularly known as Katu Lama received His Holiness at Kidung-Tse.

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