The taktsang Gonpa perched atop a bare rock is a holy site revered by the locals. It is one of the thirteen sites choosen by the great Buddhist monk- Guru Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche for pilgrimage in the 7th Century A.D. According to the locals, the Gonpa is also called as Taktsang or the Tiger’s Den because while the great monk was meditating in and around the area, he saw auspicious signs. He saw five goddess in the form of tigresses flying in the air, and then crawling into a cave in the present site, hence the place so got its name. At present a small Gonpa, or Buddhist temple marks the legendary site. It attracts visitors and pilgrims from far and wide. The Scenery in and around the Gonpa is of an alpine type. The drive from Taktsang Gonpa down to Jemeithang provides an eye soothing experience, as the scenery fades into one another, from an alpine type to high altitude meadows and pastureland; and then down into the thick dark green foliage of the valley.