Experience & Explore the best of Lungla by staying at our registered Homestays. Staying in a homestay will provide you with a chance to experience everything LOCAL, from the regional dialect to the authentic local cuisine, because you get this first-hand experience right from your hosts, who would be locals.

Registered Homestays List Of Zemithang Circle

SL.NOName Of ProprietorName Of HomestayAddressContact NoRoom Details
1Smiti Chumey Yangzom Chumey Yangzom HomestayKelengtheng094028596512 rooms with attached Bathroom & 1 room with common toilet
2Shri Rinchin Tsewang Rinchin Tsewang HomestayKharman094020303873 rooms with common bathroom and toilet
3Shri Dorjee LetaDorjee Leta HomestayKharman094028596511 room with common bathroom and toilet
4Shri Tenzin GyatsoTenzin Gyatso HomestayKharman094853679941 room with common bathroom and toilet
5Shri Pema Geypo Pema Geypo HomestayShocktsen081199953052 rooms with attached bathroom and toilet (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
6Shri Tsering WangdiWangdi HomestayKharman
7Shri Tenzin Cheta NgamoTenzin Cheta HomestayZemithang09436622699 3 rooms with common bathroom and toilet
8Shri Shri Lobsang Tenzin KomoKomo HomestayTaktsang94024838534 rooms with attached bathroom and toilet (UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS
9Shri Jowa TsedarJowa Tserdar HomestayTaktsang94366955291 room with common bathroom and toilet
10Shri Tenzin Phuntso Tenzin Phuntso HomestayShocktsen9402292658 1 room with common bathroom and toilet
11Shri Lama Tenzin Lama Tenzin HomestayShocktsen9402779865 2 rooms, hall, kitchen,1 toilet
12Shri Nawang ChotaNawang Chota HomestayLumpo094368750682 rooms with common bathroom & toilet
13Shri Panden Tsewang Panden Tsewang HomestayMuchut094020402584 rooms with common toilet & bathroom
14Smti Pema Chotton Thungmo HomestayMuchut094360413872 rooms with common bathroom and toilet
15Shri Tashi PhuntsoTashi Phuntso HomestayMuchut09436442406 2 rooms with common bathroom and toilet
16Smiti Tenzin YoutenTenzin Youten HomestayZemithang94020302293 rooms with common bathroom and toilet (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
17Smiti Nima LhamuNima Lhamu HomestayBTK9402041133 1 room with attached Bathroom & Toilet. 2 room with common toilet & bathroom

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