Dolma Lhakhang-White Tara is known as Jetsun Dolma and is a typical female Buddha who is extremely popular among lay Buddhists and those in monastic institutions. She is distinguished by her vajra posture above a white moon disc and a lotus seat. Her body radiates in a resplendent white while her face shows a pacifying look. She is adorned with an unfurled scarf and a lotus flower on her left palm. Her right hand shows an open palm mudra of giving. She is well known for her infinite altruistic qualities, particularly in extending compassion, long life, healing and serenity to all beings. White Tara is also a source of relief from bad karma and very merciful to all. She is gifted with seven eyes, symbolising her ability to see all suffering in the world and unselfishly pacifying them. She is a female aspect of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokitesvara and reputed to be born from his tears.

The White Tara statue was constructed at Mon Lumla by the Society under the spiritual leadership and guidance of H.E. the 13th Tsona Gontse Rinpoche The main idea behind construction of this statue is to ensure peace and prosperity particularly of the people of the Mon region of India and also of Bhutan and Tibet.
A giant 85-feet high White Tara statue at the top of the Lumla’s Peak represents the perfect bestowing of her immense compassionate qualities to the poverty stricken locals of the Mon region at Lumla. A pilgrimage to the Altruistic Peak of White Tara is like visiting three nations at one go. Inviting White Tara to rest majestically at this magnificent peak is to invoke her omniscience, infinite blessings, great compassion and boundless wisdom for the benefit of all residents of Lumla and sentient beings throughout the world. The generous radiance of White Tara’s wondrous blessings will positively transform the economic fortune, daily livelihood and spiritual thoughts of all deprived beings, not only in Lumla but in the world as well.

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